Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Happy Day of Love my friends! Throughout my life, Valentine's day and I have gone through a wave of good times and bad.

It's great when you're six and collecting sugar filled Valentine's from your friends.

Bad when you're sixteen, single and watching all of your friends take home flowers from their boyfriends.

Amazing when you're nineteen and have found the love of your life that you plan to spend forever and ever with.

Horrible when you're twenty one and realize that plans have changed.

And it's elating when you're twenty-eerhf and you wake up to the man and children that really have become your forever and ever. I still don't know how I got so lucky to have such a sweet family, I just love them!

But being the broke students that we are, Valentine's day is one holiday that we don't celebrate much. Usually a nice dinner suffices. And after visiting some amazing food blogs for ideas, here is what I plan to make.

Kim, one of my favorite blog friends from Stirring the Pot, completely knocked my socks off with this Triple Pork Split Pea Soup. Thick flavorful bright soup filled with three different kinds of pork. And as you'll remember, I do love pig!

I just barely met Megan from Food and Whine, but I already love her blog. She has these fun Jello Hearts that I know my kids will go nuts for.

And for dessert I turned to Deborah from Taste and Tell, who devoted some time experimenting with red velvet. It was so hard to choose what to choose from her lineup, but I finally decided on these Red Velvet and Strawberry Trifles because my daughter loves strawberries. How pretty do they look!

And that is how I will be spending my evening with the people that I love. I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones too!


  1. Teresa - Funny how we always have things in common. I thought I found the love of my life at 19, only to have him walk away 1 month before our wedding. I was 21 at the time too. It works out for the best though, right? Sometimes you have to travel that path to find the person you were meant to be with. So glad that you will be spending this Valetine's Day with your sweet family and I'm completely honored that you're making the triple pork split pea soup :) I hope that everyone likes it. The rest of your lineup looks especially tasty!

    P.S. I'm totally stealing twenty-eerhf. Only for me it will be thirty-eerhf. LOL!

  2. Have a great V-day! Ben's got a fever!

  3. Happy V day... My kids would love the heart shaped jello.

  4. Happy Valentine's day to YOU! Looks like a very yummy meal! Split pea soup is fantastic. Hope y'all enjoy every bite

  5. Sounds like you have a wonderful valentine's planned with some wonderful people...enjoy :)

  6. Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope your kids like the jello hearts, I know mine sure do. Cole keeps bugging me to make them.

  7. Your comment about rotten Valentine's Day when you were 16 reminded me that my mother used to send me a card every year while I was in boarding school - just in case!!!!

    Beautiful menu.

  8. All of the food looks great...I met my husband 15 years ago, i wish we would have made a go of it then but he was already engaged to another..even though he had eyes for me. Our lives brought us together again 5 years ago, he was divorced and I was still single. We went on a date and have been together ever since. We are true soul mates...

  9. You've made the day special with the food you are serving . I hope you both have a wonderfully romantic evening. Hugs and blessings...Mary

  10. What a sweet post - and a delicious meal you have planned! Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. Oh, I just loved reading your valentine post. Even when we do have money to go out I'm usually more comfy hanging around home. Each of these treats are perfect for a special night. I especially love the gelatin hearts. ;)

    Happy Valentine's Day to your family!

  12. Life has its' ups and downs for sure. And always will. Hope you had a lovely day with your loving family, Teresa.

    I think the jello hearts are adorable and what a super idea to use red velvet cake in that trifle. Bloggers are so clever!

  13. I hope your family loved the dinner! I made split pea soup last week--LOVE it!

  14. What a great vday feast! I love everything on your menu!!!

  15. Wow! That is an amazing dinner, we had pizza! I love that apple fritter recipe, my husband would worship me forever if I made that!

  16. Hope you had a fabulous valentines day ~ Missed reading your lovely blog. Now I have some catching up to do.

  17. Great celebration! Happy St. Valentine's Day to you!

  18. great recipes! Visit my new blog for some more recipes!

  19. Oh cute post! And you picked some seriously good food for your V-Day meal. My stomach is growling.

  20. Fun, fun post, Teresa. Love all the pretty Valentine-y treats. Jello hearts -- brilliant!

  21. A sweet Valentine's post. I'd love to have one of those trifles right now.

  22. Hey won one of the Jake's burger coupons. Email with your snail mail and I'll get it to you :)

  23. Happy Belated Valentin'e Day! I love those heart shaped jello. I will have to fight with my children if I make these...haha. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  24. I LOVE your breakdown of the phases of Valentine's Day as you go through life! Haha it's so true! Love it! Those Jello hearts are adorable!

  25. Wah? I'm 23, and I have yet to hold a guy's hand. Hee hee. Things have moved fast for you! Valentines doesn't mean much to me (for obvious reasons), but I can imagine that it feels so different when you've already found your soulmate, and have little ones to call and love you. :-)


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