Thursday, March 31, 2011

False Alarm! Gonna Celebrate with Some Cookies!

If you could see me right now, I would look a bit like this!

Why? Because life went ahead and handed me a complete freebie today. When I woke up this morning, my beloved camera wasn't working, and the prognosis was not looking good. And my other equally beloved point-and-shoot camera (along with three months worth of pictures) was lost, hopelessly lost, trust me, I had called and looked EVERYWHERE. There was heartbreak, there were tears, and there may have also been irrational ebay bidding, along with ebay panic, and then utter ebay relief to find that i had been outbid at the last minute.

But then miracles happened, and not one, but BOTH of my cameras were restored to me by the end of the day. There was relief, there were more tears (so I love my cameras okay), and then there were cookies. How else does a foodie celebrate if not with food? Thank you all for your sweet comments at my post below, but I can't even tell you how happy I am to not have to take a break after all!

I found these gems at Gina's Skinny Taste, a wonderful blog with light recipes, especially conducive to those doing Weight Watchers. Now I'm all about cooking and eating healthy, but when it comes to dessert, I'm a purist. I don't think dessert should be messed with, just eat the dang brownie! But if you were to serve me these cookies without ever mentioning that they were light, I don't think I'd ever know. They're chewy, they're sweet, they are loaded with chocolate and my whole family LOVED them! Like a good girl, I had two, but I could have eaten these babies all night. Check out the recipe here!

Don't you love the plate? My parents sent it for my birthday a few days ago, I think I should be allowed to use it for at least a month, don't you? :)


  1. oh man, i don't know what i would do if my camera stopped working! well i'm glad to hear it's all sorted!!

  2. I'm pretty new here...but I read your post this morning and was like bummer...that would kill me if my camera quit working...glad your back in bussiness.

  3. Happy belated birthday! The plate is so cute! And I'm SO glad you found the cameras- I would freak out if I lost mine too. I'm going to check ou that cookie recipe

  4. I'm so glad you got your camera situation figured out without having to fork out any money! I look forward to some more yummy ideas.

  5. Yeah for you! I would be totally lost without my cameras. The plate is pretty and the cookies look mighty tasty.

  6. Oh my......I was kinda bummed that you were going to stop your blog cause of not having a camera to take pictures of your wonderful food creations. So I get on my blog tonight and notice "False Alarm!!! So I have to check out your blog......Yeah I am so glad you got your cameras back, now I can look forward to seeing delicious food!!!!

  7. What a relief! I may have shed a tear or two when I dropped my camera and ruined it, so I can totally relate. Glad they are both okay :)

  8. That plate just made my day :-) so did your happy story! Thanks!

  9. Oh gosh, I'd be the saddest person on earth if my camera happen to be broken!

    The Peach Kicthen

  10. Happy belated birthday to you! Glad you found your camera. I love my little camera and would not want any other one! Love the cookies and that adorable plate!

  11. Of course you should use it for a month! I'm glad to hear they're fixed!

  12. Yay! I'm so glad miracles happened!:) The cookies look delicious and the plate is so cute!

  13. Welcome back, Teresa!! I was sad yesterday about your news. So happy to see your comment on my blog. Those cookies look so great!

  14. I totally get the despair of non-working camera...Glad it was restored :) Great cookie recipe.

    You are right, the only way a foodie knows how to celebrate is with food.

    Have a great weekend..

  15. Happy belated!! I'm happy you are back and I hope you have an amazing weekend!

  16. I so glad the lost were found :-). I know I'd be lost without my camera. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  17. I'm so glad you got you were able to get your cameras up and running again. I would cry too if mine quite working! It's nice to find a delicious lightened up cookie recipe like this one. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  18. Forgot to add that I love your fun plate. Happy Birthday to you! ;)

  19. so pleased you found your camera I here you like mine as well thanks for coming down under with me :-)


  20. Welcome back ;) ha ha ha. Glad that crisis was quick-lived! Yummy cookies...and yes adorable plate...hope you had a fabulous birthday :D

  21. Great that all is well with your cameras now! The cookies look great! Happy belated birthday!

  22. Oh good!! I was just thinking about you and the camera thing-wondering what I'd do...hope I never have to find out;)

  23. I'm so glad about your cameras! I would of freaked out too. And then ate some comfort food like these scrumptious cookies! You have to let me know if you made the risotto and how it turned out!


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