Sunday, June 19, 2011

Buffalo Chicken done Two Ways

Gosh, I've been a lousy blogger.

I would love to tell you that it's because I've been insanely busy saving the world, or throwing awesome crazy parties, but here's my lame excuse...

I've been reading.

A lot.

Can one have an unhealthy obsession with books? I suppose there are way worse obsessions, but seriously, when shopping, sunlight, and mealtimes start to become obstacles, rather then enjoyable, perhaps it's time to address some issues.

Luckily I have managed to squeeze in a meal here and there. Two of them were courtesy of Masterpiece's Buffalo Chicken marinade, a sample I received for free as a Foodbuzz member.

First let me say something about the marinade itself. It's delicious. I'm definitely not a Connoisseur of buffalo wings, by any means, but I did really like this sauce. It's very tangy, and hot, and proved itself to be versatile for several different uses.

The first thing I made was a Buffalo Chicken risotto that I could not stop thinking about. I was almost certain that if I made it, I was going to be the only one who liked it, but my husband and I both lapped this up like starved puppies. My husband even declared it the best risotto he had, but considering the fact that it was infused with classic "man-food" I wasn't too surprised. My mouth still waters every time I think of this dish.

Buffalo Chicken Risotto
Cuisine Magazine April 2011


4 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
3/4 cup hot sauce, or Masterpieces Buffalo Chicken Marinade
2 Tablespoons honey
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup minced celery
1/2 cup onion
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
1 cup dry arborio rice
1/2 cup lager beer, or white wine (I used wine)
2 cups chopped cooked chicken

chopped celery
blue cheese crumbles
blue cheese dressing (I used homemade)


For the brodo, simmer broth, hot sauce, honey, and worcestershire in a saucepan over medium heat.

For the risotto, sweat minced celery and onion in butter in a large saute pan over medium heat until slightly softened, 3-5 minutes. Stir in rice and saute until each grain is coated in butter.

Deglaze the pan with beer or wine and stir until completely absorbed, 1-2 minutes. Add brodo to the pan in 1/2-cup increments; simmer and stir frequently until each addition is almost completely absorbed before adding the next, about 45 minutes total. Stir in chicken and heat through.

Garnish each serving of risotto with chopped celery, blue cheese crumbles, and blue cheese dressing (don't skip this part, it really makes the risotto!)

The second thing we made were these delicious buffalo chicken salads. Really no recipe needed for this one. Warm cooked, shredded chicken, coated with the buffalo chicken marinade, over the stovetop. On a large bed of lettuce (yes there really is lettuce under there), top with broccoli, celery, sliced cucumbers, chicken, blue cheese crumbles, and tortilla chips. Serve with a side of blue cheese dressing as well. This was very delicious, and rather healthy. The chicken and blue cheese make this a very flavorful salad.

I'll go ahead and dedicate these manly chicken dishes to all the fathers out there, Happy Father's Day! I sure am grateful for my dad, and the father of my kids.

And now to come full circle, are you a reader? If so, what kind of books do you like to read?


  1. Ooooh my YUM! Buffalo chicken Risotto? I am so going to try it! It sounds so good!

  2. love the idea of a buffalo chicken risotto not much of a reader boring nutrition journals he he

  3. Oh yeah! The risotto sounds good, but I'm loving the looks of that salad! I often get lost in books, especially if I discover a new (to me) series and need to read them all...because I get easily obsessed. I love mysteries and culinary mysteries the most...and foodie-type books, of course ;P

  4. I really liked the sauce too! So many uses. The risotto sounds like a fabulous idea. I'm not a reader...I wish I enjoyed it more!!

  5. Both dishes look super...I'd never seen that sauce before. Will be on the lookout for it. I'm curious what you've been reading too, I'm always looking for a good read.

  6. LOVE the idea of both of these dishes, but particularly intrigued by the risotto! yum!!

  7. I am a HUGE reader too... I take a book wherever I go. This chicken looks fantastic - I think my husband would especially love it.

  8. You have such great variety! What are your thoughts on that new Food Network adventure cooking show? I hear they like put the chefs through all these bizarre conditions before they can start cooking??

  9. Ha-ha! I've been reading a lot too. Mostly the Sookie Stackhouse series, but also Bourdain's Medium Raw.

    I am crazy for anything buffalo flavored and love both the risotto (what an original idea), as well as the salad. They both look equally amazing to me!

  10. This sounds absolutely delicious. It also is a bit unusual and that makes it interesting. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. I just finished Pillars of the Earth and LOVED it!

  12. I have been wanting to try risotto for a while now. Thanks for thr recipe! It looks delish!

  13. The risotto looks great, Teresa. I'll have to try that sauce.

    I'm a reader too. I always have a book in my hand...or my Kindle.

  14. What a creative approach to risotto-awesome. The salad would be really good for an evening meal.

    Reading is a wonderful obsession :-)


  15. I love the Masterpiece BBQ sauce. I'll have to look for this.

  16. I'm a starved puppy! I want some risotto! looks SOOO good.

    And reading is an awesome non-blogging excuse.

  17. What a nice take on risotto.

  18. What??? KC Masterpiece buffalo sauce??!!

    In a risotto . . . heaven on a plate Teresa!!

  19. It is very useful information which you have shown here. As I just want to say that I was totally unknown about second way of Buffalo Chicken. But after reading this I came to know about that.
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