Monday, July 25, 2011

Asian Shrimp, Mango and Avacado Slaw

Hello my friends, I've missed you! The month went so fast, but what a great month. Lots of relaxing, boating, swimming, playing and EATING. Spending all that time with family was so nice and we had a great time, but it also feels good to be back in the comfort and quiet of home.

I have to post this salad because it's what my mom and I ate the most when we were together. Cathy, who's got a great blog at Wives with Knives posted this a few months ago. I immediately bought the ingredients, absolutely loved it, and promptly sent my mom the recipe. Since then I'm fairly confident that her and my dad have enjoyed it at least ten times. We have tried the creamy dressing as well as the vinaigrette, and honestly they are both delicious. The only change we made was adding a bit of red pepper to the slaw, and a scoop of peanut butter to the dressing. The slaw lends itself to a lot of variations, like Cathy says, but guaranteed delicious. Check out the recipe here, and thank you Cathy!

And now a few pics of one of our best boating days. We combined a day at the lake with a my mom's birthday and it was a fabulous day. My entire family was there and we had an absolute blast. I never laugh as hard as I do when I'm with these people.

I love this shot, my husband, who really hasn't done a whole lot of waterskiing, has absolutely no fear. The very first time he got up he was catching air. He did have his fair share of wipeouts though, as you see here.

Taking a tube ride with our son. He's braver then I am, I caught him laughing during some moments that had me white knuckled.

Hanging out on the Big Mable with two of my brothers. Seriously the funniest people I know.

My little girl taking a swim. Her favorite part of the day was just being able to jump off the boat into the water.

Me and my guy.

My daughter and her grandma, the birthday girl.

My son and his cousin. Two of the best friends and worst enemies at the same time, you know how it is at that age, haha!

How has your summer been so far? What are you doing to beat this heat?


  1. I've missed you! You salad looks incredible! I love all of the flavors. And what great pictures! Glad you guys had fun!!

  2. Looks like you're really having a great summmer...what fun! The salad looks refreshing :) We're about to escape the desert valley for the mountains tomorrow and hopefully soak up some rain and cool weather.

  3. looks like loads of summer fun - I am not a slaw fan but I would try this one - mostly for the shrimp :)

  4. Hi Teresa - I'm so glad you and your mom like this recipe and I can't wait to try your version with the peanut butter in the dressing. That sounds fantastic. Many thanks for the link back to my blog.

    It looks like you all had a fantastic time on the water. It's great that your whole family got together for your mom's birthday. That's the best present you could give her.

  5. OMG I have missed you! What a sweet little family you have and your mom is gorgeous too!

  6. I read your post right before I ran out to the grocery store and put all the ingredients on my list so I could make this. It looks SO delicious!!

    I'm so glad you're back. Love all the pictures that you shared but my favorite is the one of you and your husband. That one is a keeper!

  7. Welcome back and it looks like you have had a blast this summer so far! A great recipe too. It's perfect for this time of year!

  8. wow great salad no wonder you have made it a few times and lovely pictures such great family time I am well baby due next month, hubbys mum is coming from India then my parents from Scotland :-)

  9. It looks like you had a fantastic vacation. Cute, cute family. And that salad looks amazing! Gotta go check out the recipe now :)

  10. Missed you too, Teresa! Sure looks like you had a fun time! Laughing keeps you healthy...I'm a firm believer in that.

    Great salad; no wonder you and your mom ate it often.

  11. It looks like you are having a fantastic summer. Your salad looks wonderfully refreshing. I've been getting ready for my family's yearly visit. All the grandchildren spend the month of August with us. It will be a grand time for all of us. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  12. Lovely family!! Congratulations for your great summer.
    Your salads looks delicious!!

  13. Welcome home! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I enjoyed the photo journey too. Very nice.

    Great looking slaw meal. Perfect for summer. Cathy at Wives with Knives has some great recipes. Love her blog too.

    Happy Summer.

  14. welcome back! your family is adorable :)

  15. I'm glad you're back! Could I do this with tilapia?

  16. The slaw looks so tasty - love the flavors! You look like you guys had so much fun on the water. I love that photo of you & your guy.

  17. What a perfect Summer dish...great pictures of your family.

  18. Welcome back Teresa!! Love all the pictures - I am going to my Aunt's lake house in August - cannot wait to just float in the lake!

    Isn't the summer going by fast??

  19. The salad looks and sounds yummy but I have to tell you that my favorite photo in this post is the one of you and your guy! Also, Grandma looks pretty darn young to be Grandma.

  20. Looks like a blast!! Time flies when you're having fun, lady ;) And super-yum on the slaw...yes, please!

  21. How fun...looks like everyone was having a great time.

  22. Welcome back! It looks as if you all had a great time! I've not had nearly as much fun this summer as you. I never saw a slaw like this one! Utterly delicious!


Hey, thanks so much for stopping by. I'd love to hear what you think!