Sunday, March 11, 2012

Egg Food Yong

Do you ever feel like you have a personal style of food that you gravitate to? Just like I'm drawn to certain colors, or clothes on a rack, I feel like there are recipes that I'm more likely to pick. And while it's nice to have a good artillery of regulars that you can always fall back on, it's also nice to break out of your "food box."

That's what I decided to do when I found this recipe on Cathy's website Wives with Knives. I was never a big fan of Egg Foo Yong growing up, but I remember my mom always ordering it when we went out. It turns out that Egg Foo Yong is insanely delicious, especially when you make it the way Cathy does. Since I made this while doing the LiveFit trainer, I swapped half of the eggs for egg whites only, but it was still so tasty, and packed with protein. Definitely make the mushroom gravy too, it's delicious on the Egg Foo Yong as well as the rice you should serve with it. :)

Check out the original recipe here, and don't be afraid to try something new, you might discover a whole new world of food.

What I'm reading...

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but to be honest, I haven't read anything that was especially noteworthy in a while. However, I thought I'd tap into the world of HS literature and pick up To Kill A Mockingbird from the library. I know most people read this one as teenagers, but either I totally missed that one, or was way too mentally checked out to realize it (would not be surprised). Turns out, this just might make it to my top ten list alongside such favorites as The Help, Cutting For Stone, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

I really don't want to give anything away, but there is the most beautiful segment when Atticus is teaching his son Jem about doing the right thing, even when it's difficult, by making him read to his mean old neighbor lady, who, unbeknownst to Jem, was dying of a morphine addiction withdrawal...

"...She had her own views about things, a lot different from mine, maybe...son, I told you that if you hadn't lost your head I'd have made you go read to her. I wanted you to see something about her--I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew..."

SO touching. If you've never read this book, you MUST pick it up. And if you have, read it again :)


  1. Hi Theresa - I'm so happy you liked this recipe. It's one of my favorites. We love Chinese food and this recipe is just like the egg foo yong we used to get in one of the city's best restaurants. It's a bonus that it's both delicious and healthy. Thanks so much for the link.

  2. It looks wonderful... I've never had it before.

    To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all time favorites. It's such an amazing book!

  3. That was my Dad's favorite when we ordered Chinese - I never tried it back then, mainly because I was an extremely picky eater well into my 30s!

    I'll have to try this one. Happy Monday Teresa!

    (for some reason I can't log in using my wordpress log in?)

  4. I remember having egg foo young a million years ago, and haven't tried it since. Thanks for sharing the site, I will check out the recipe.

    I love To Kill a Mockingbird!

  5. This looks delicious. To Kill a Mockingbird has always been one of my favorite reads. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I can't believe I've never even had egg foo yong before. I need to check out this recipe!

  7. Haven't had this in years, Teresa. And it's always been a favorite. Cathy has super recipes and this one is a gem. (What a good girl you were to use egg whites!)

  8. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books! I read it over and over when I was younger.

    I love healthy takeout at home. This sounds awesome!

  9. Smiles, we are alike. Never thought I much cared for egg foo yong til recently. This surely looks good!

  10. Everyone seems to be cooking Asian this week. It looks yummy!

  11. Egg Food Yong at home...I'm so in on this recipe. LOVE

  12. I have made a few of Cathy's recipes and I have never been disappointed. Not sure I have really discovered egg foo young but, I can believe that it is insanely delicious.

    I too, gravitate towards certain recipes. You are absolutely right it is good to get out the food box.


  13. one of my all time favorite books..what a classic!

  14. This is my Dad's favorite! He'd be thrilled if I made it for him. I loved this book too!

  15. This book is now a requirement in middle or high school. It definitely is one of the books you simply must read within your lifetime, preferably earlier.

    I love egg foo young! I don't order it ever, but your version of it looks so wonderful. :-)

  16. I love Chinese and I am always willing to try new things and expeiment on old ones!This one looks very yummy!

  17. Very nice post. If you like Chinese food, you might like my take on Sichuan chicken.

  18. I loved this book too. I just read it last year...50th anniversary of its publication. I thought Atticus was a great parent role model. I have also just read Little Women and there I found another great parent role model. Mrs. March.

  19. You know what? I don't think I've ever had Egg Foo Young. Odd, for something that has been around forever.

  20. I agree, it is a great book. And I LOVE the plate your egg foo yung is on. So very cute! Care to share where you got it? :)

  21. Hope everything is well with you!


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