Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sausage Gravy over Cannellini Bean Puree

Hello my food friends! It's been too long, but it's definitely not because I've been sitting in my hammock wrapped up in a book and nice cold beverage (although you wouldn't hear me complaining if I were!) It's actually been one of the craziest, funnest, most exhausting months of my life. I wouldn't have traded any of it though for the memories and for the chance to spend so much time with family. In short phrases here are some of the things we've been up to.

Packed my bags to stay a month in Idaho. 

Received a phone call the day before my flight informing me that the mountain my parent's live on is on fire. 


Followed the news all night long, learning hour by hour that more houses were being destroyed, not having any idea if one of them was my parent's (66 homes were completely destroyed). 

(They had JUST finished building it). 

Flew to Idaho anyway, with no idea if there would be a house to stay in or not. 

Found the house standing, but damaged with burn and smoke. 

Slept in six different beds in the course of a week, completely displaced. 

Mourned at church with and for those that lost absolutely everything. 

Finally moved back into parent's house for the duration of vacation, the smoke damage was no longer a danger to us. 

Still managed to throw in a good deal of swimming, bbqs, boating, a trip to Utah and Yellowstone, and relaxing. 

Endured the worst flight of my life, consisting of a missed flight (plane ran out of fuel), a child wetting their pants, horrible motion sickness, a freezing unplanned sleepover at the airport, an attempted robbery of my son's newly purchased neck pillow, and lost bags. I was alone with two kids. 

Needless to say, it's been a wild month, but one that I'll NEVER forget. With all that happened though, I was so glad that I was able to be there, especially with my parents, who were dealing with a lot at the time. My heart really goes out to the victims of the fires all over the country. While we didn't experience such a loss firsthand, we witnessed those that did, and it's tragic. Memories, valuables, sentimental treasures, all gone. The one blessing in our area was that no one was hurt, and we are so grateful.

On that note, let's talk about food!

My apologies to Kim, my dear bloggy friend who shared this amazing recipe, for the poor photo.  It does not do this delicious dish justice and you're really better off just going to her site for the recipe and pics.  However, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least gush about how delicious this unique dinner is.

First off, bean puree?  Hello!  Where have you been my entire life?  It's cheap, it's quick to make, it's a lovely "polenta style" palate for a million different toppings, and it's seductively delicious.  If you are a fan of beans, you must rush to make this.  It doesn't hurt either to have a rich, meaty gravy to go on top of this.  I would happily make this again and again.

Since Kim is wrote this rockstar recipe, I'm going to send you to her kitchen to check it out.  Check our her other stuff too, she never disappoints!
Ok food friends and family, I really do think I'm back for good.  Vacation season has ended for our family so I plan to be able to say hello a lot more.  Check back soon!


  1. what a whirl wind of a month! my sister-in-law's family lives in Colo Springs ... so sad all of the destruction from the fires. Dinner looks delish!

  2. Wow, what a crazy month! And while I know having damage in the house is awful, that no one was hurt is winning in my book!

    Glad to see you back! Hugs!

  3. Glad you're back, Teresa, and you NEVER have to apologize for taking a bloggy break. Real life is so much more important! I'm glad your parents' place did not go up in flames, and I'm also glad you were able to be there with them. I'm sure just having you around gave them great comfort. Well, enjoy being back in your kitchen, creating new yummy dishes for us all to drool over :)

  4. Good Lord! What a ghastly month. Sorry your parents home was damaged...it was like looking at a war zone and can't imagine how much worse it would be in person.
    This is one time I bet you were in heaven being at home! Vacations aren't always restful. :(

  5. Oh no! I'm so sorry for your parents and everyone else. How terrible to just build a house and endure damage or worse yet, lose your house entirely. Sounds like you had a wild adventure this summer. Glad you managed to have a good time despite all the stress. I'm also glad you're back safe and sound!

    Thanks so much for the shout out. I'm so glad you liked it. You are too sweet!

  6. Chica!!! You have had a crazy month. I hope things calm down now after this and I'm glad to hear your parents are okay!! And I want that cannellini bean puree. For real.

  7. There were a lot of fires all around Idaho when we were there. I am glad your folks' home is okay. The sausage gravy over bean puree looks amazing.

  8. I am so glad that your parent's house escaped the worst of the fires - it must be utterly devastating to lose everything like that.

    Dinner sounds delish!

  9. What a crazy month! It seems like the fires have been so crazy everywhere this year. I'm so glad your parent's house was spared.

    This looks like the perfect comfort food. I really want that puree!


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