Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's a'Going on?

I've gone back and forth whether to post about this or not, but I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for my absence on my blog, as well as my absence on your blogs, which I feel worse about. But my explanation comes with a bit of a back story.

My weight has always been a bit of an issue, and every single year I'd start the new year with a resolution to lose it. And of course that would last for about a month before I was back to my old ways. Well I don't know if it was turning thirty, or just an extra strong desire, but this year I was actually accomplished my goal of a twenty pound weight loss, which on a 5'0 body, is fairly significant. Since then I've become a bit obsessed with fitness and nutrition and just started a new weight lifting regime called LiveFit, created by Jamie Eason.

So basically my life has been revolving around eating a TON of protein and spending a lot of time in the gym. It's been a tough, but very rewarding challenge. However there's absolutely nothing exciting going on in my kitchen, unless you find grilled chicken and brown rice to be a total party. Oh gosh, the foodie in me just died a little by writing that.

I feel a bit silly posting about this since I still feel very new to this world. A year ago I wouldn't have been caught dead in a weight room. I will be back to normal in a few months, but probably with a few less "sweets" recipes :) I'll also do my best to visit as often as I can because you guys are always posting such amazing recipes!

And now, a few pictures for you...

This was me a month ago, 130 lbs. I'm posting this first because I do not want my before pictures to be on everyone's feed, haha! Since then I've lost five pounds, but have gained some muscle. I'm currently at 30.0% body fat, so I've still got a ways to go, which I'm excited about. You'll notice my midsection is a bit lopsided, that's due to some medical issues I had forever ago. I'm hoping that as I lose weight it becomes less and less noticeable.

Before pictures, between 150-155 pounds. I feel like this is the part where I should say how nasty I used to look, but I'm not going to do that. I know that I didn't look my best back then, but I'm not going to put myself down. I was doing the best I could with what I had at the time, and I was happy with that.

So that's what's a'going on right now. It's been a really exciting year, this is the first time in my entire life that I've ever been this involved with health and fitness and it's been really fun. I've made a great friend who's been doing the program with me, which has only added to the enjoyment. I'll definitely keep you posted on my progress, and now that I've publicly announced this on my blog, I don't feel like failure is an option! I may also be posting my progress on another blog, which I'll link up in a few days.

In the meantime I hope you're all doing well and that you're enjoying the cooler fall days!


  1. Omgosh!!!! Congrats!! Super happy for you :)

  2. Fantastic and great job!! Remember being a foodie is not just about sweets and high calories :)
    Take care.

  3. NICE JOB YOU LOOK AMAZING !!! Keep up the good work

  4. I was just telling my mom today that I think I need to post weight loss updates on my blog, because I feel like I need some accountability!! You look awesome, and I'm so impressed. I know first hand how hard it is to be a food blogger and to lose weight. I admire you!

  5. Sometimes we all just need something to give us a kick to get motiviated. When I hit a certain number on the scale 5 years ago, that was it for me. You are doing great Teresa and look wonderful. Or as some of my younger coworkers would say "You go girl!"

  6. Congratulations, Teresa, you should be proud of yourself.

    Maybe you could just shift the focus of your blog to dishes and tips about how to eat healthier? Sure there are experts out there but yours could be the "end user" perspective including the struggles you run into making things that taste good but are good for you? Just an idea.

    You look wonderful.

  7. Fabulous job! Maybe you can inspire those of us who are stuck in a rut and need to eat healthier and get moving :) Keep us posted!

  8. You are preaching to the choir, Teresa! And good for you for having the guts to post the photos. Doing that ought to be a big incentive to hang in there. :) You look marvelous!

    I've always loved food and have been on one diet after another most of my life. (I'm 75 now) I usually keep things under control, but a couple years ago I gained quite a bit. So last year, I went for help to the Quick Weight Loss people and lost it all. And am keeping it off.

    So congratulations to both of us!
    I've always worked out 6 days a week, so that's not a new event in my life. I'm still cooking, just being more cautious and when something is particularly fattening, give it away to friends and neighbors. I can still keep pretty well within the parameters of the plan. It's tough....harder when you're cooking for a family.

  9. BRAVO to you! I need to take some inspiration from you! It is soooo hard to diet and be healthy with a food blog! You look amazing!

  10. Awesome!!!! So happy for you. :)

  11. You are inspiring and look completely amazing! I'm proud of you for your willpower and self-control - keep up the great work!

  12. Great job! You're my inspiration! Just started Weight Watchers two weeks ago for the second time - the first time I couldn't even make it past the first week. You look gorgeous! And you're glowing! I'm so happy for you.

  13. That is so exciting - you look wonderful!

    I am starting a strength training program starting tomorrow - so excited!

    And yep, since we are short, every 10 pounds is a clothes size! :D

  14. good for you Teresa you look great so proud of you hugs


  15. Kudos to you! That is great news! So glad you posted this. It is hard to be a food blogger and stay in shape but there are plenty of healthy foods to choose from. Keep it up as all your readers are very proud of you!

  16. you're awesome, teresa, great job!!

  17. I'm so proud of you! Jaime Easton is awesome--have you ever read Oxygen magazine? There's great workouts in there. I'd love if you posted more healthy/ clean eating recipes--Ben just lost 60 lbs and it's so hard not to want to go back to the old fattening favorites!

    My mom has the same problem with her midsection. She actually has a giant fat pocket on her right back oblique from a bad slip disk and the only option is surgery or lipo....

  18. Good for you...that's awesome! You are an inspiration...I need to gather the will power!

  19. Teresa - I am so happy and proud for you! This is the most fantastic thing I've read all day!! You were so right to share this with us because it is really inspiring. Believe me I know how hard it is. However, you seem so motivated and completely inspired to keep going. I think you're on a roll. I wish you the very best with all your goals. I think you look terrific!


  20. You look incredible. I'm proud of you. =))

  21. Congratulations! I'd love to drop 20 lbs in the coming year. Definitely share tips and recipes that have help you.

  22. Wow you look GREAT!! Thanks for updating us!

  23. Wow Teresa, good for you!!!! You seriously look radiant!

  24. Wow, you pics are impressive, I didn't know you back then! I only know the fit Teresa, and I think it's going to stay that way from here on out! You are a great workout body and friend! We better get going on concocting some yummy healthy recipes!!

  25. Wow, Teresa, you look absolutely great! Your determination is inspiring. Wish a little bit of it would rub off on me. Maybe this year. It's so hard to blog and watch my weight. Good for you.

  26. Congratulations Teresa! You look wonderful. Keep up the great work.


  27. I am equally impressed with your weight loss as I am with your transparency with sharing it on the blog. Great job, it can be a battle. I look forward to some great chicken and brown rice recipes! :)

  28. Congrats girl! You look AMAZING! You should totally share some of your healthier eats with us! No need to always be posting indulgent things...I'm pretty sure the Food Blogger fifteen has affected all of us!

  29. Oh my goodness! You look FANTASTIC!! Way to go!

  30. Way to go! It's so hard to be a foodie and keep healthy. Well done for finding a balance! (By the way, you look great!)

  31. Way to go Teresa! You look fabulous and you are so inspiring. We are all your biggest fan club. Love, Ang. :)

  32. You look wonderful and I have to add my voice to all the others who are praising your accomplishment. Kudos. I hope you have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  33. My dear friend, I am thrilled to hear your happy news. Losing weight is an emotional process with many ups and downs, but you have perserved and succeeded. Now there is nothing you cannot do for you have overcome yourself. Well done!!! Many many kudos.


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