Sunday, February 19, 2012

Salmon with Mango-Avocado Salsa

Thanks for all the nice comments about our upcoming move. We're getting excited too, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks about lighting, haha!

One thing I learned doing the LiveFit Program was the important of healthy fats. It was a tough concept for me to accept because my whole life fat was BAD. Fat was was you wanted to avoid. All of my grocery products were low-fat, or fat-free whenever I had the option. But then Jamie Eason comes along and starts shoving healthy fats down my throat, mainly nuts, avocado, and fish. Apparently you need fat to digest fat, it actually helps to make you leaner, as long as it's in the right form.

So, thanks to the power of Pinterest, I found the healthily fattening dish that is packed with so much flavor I don't even know where to begin. The salsa really makes the salmon, it tasted like something I would have ordered from a restaurant, and it's such a snap to make. I highly recommend it, and don't fear the fat, it's good for you!

Salmon with Mango-Avocado Salsa
Adapted from Food and Paper

Ingredients (enough for two servings)

2 salmon fillets with skin, 6 oz. each, 1-1 1/2 inches thick
2 tablespoons olive oil
coarse salt and fresh ground pepper

For salsa:
1 large, or 2 smaller Haas avocados, diced
1 large, or 2 smaller mangoes, diced
1/2 medium-sized white onion, diced
15 cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters
1 medium jalapeno, minced
1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
1/2 teaspoon fresh lime zest
juice of 1 lime
1/4 cup cilantro leaves, finely chopped; a few leaves reserves for garnish, if you like
coarse salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


1. Prepare salsa: mix all salsa ingredients in medium bowl. Allow flavors to mingle as oven heats.

2. Heat oven to 400. Brush both sides of salmon with olive oil, season generously with salt and pepper. Bake skin side down until salmon is cooked through, or medium well, about ten minutes.

3. Divide salsa between two plates and place a salmon fillet on top of the salsa. Garnish with a few cilantro leaves, and serve.


  1. awesome recipe you make the best healthy food

  2. Great salsa recipe, Teresa. We had salmon last night....wish I had read you first! :)

  3. I haven't made fish for so long, and this really makes me want to change that!!

  4. What a lovely & delicious meal!

  5. Oh my! This is definitely on my "to make" list!

  6. I wish I liked salmon - I know its good for you!

    Turns out I love Chilean sea bass - too bad it sells for $20 a pound at my store! Maybe when I win the lottery I can afford that fish! :D


  7. Very healthy and delicious meal. You are just rocking. Cheers to you.


  8. I love salmon, as well as all the bright fresh flavors here. It's time for me to stop indulging and get with the program. I would love a meal like this about now!

  9. Trying to change to the pro-good fat mentality is definitely a challenge but I eat almonds every day to get some of that in! I love the sound of this dish as well. So much fresh flavor and healthiness in it!

  10. Such a great and healthy recipe.

  11. I used to only eat white fish because of the low fat content...I was an idiot! Salmon fat is one of the best you could ever eat. You've got me craving for this lovely, oily fish again.

  12. This looks so healthy and delicious! Love the salsa! And those healthy fats - especially avocado.

  13. Oh I love the idea of salmon with avocado. Yum! Thanks for sharing the yumminess :)

  14. Fish and fruit salsas are such a fantastic combo. I would happily eat this meal anyday! Oh man, good luck on your move. I don't know anything about Jersey, but I have also heard that it's beautiful :D

  15. I've been obsessed with salmon lately!

  16. I need to add more Vitamin D to my diet and salmon is a good way to do it. The salsa looks fantastic with the fish. I bet I could polish off a recipe of it with a bag of chips. I better stick with the fish.

  17. Funny, we JUST finished eating salmon for lunch about 1 hour ago. Well THEY ate it, I don't care for salmon.

    I like the mango salsa addition.

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