Friday, February 10, 2012

Spicy Chicken-Spinach Lettuce Wraps

To once again quote Barney from How I Met Your Mother, "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans." I don't think anything could be closer to the truth for us these last few weeks.

To make a long story short, after spending the last few months expecting to either stay in Philly, or move to California, we woke up one morning and discovered that neither were going to happen for us. Not only that, but we had absolutely no clue where we were going to go after my husband graduated from dental school. After a LONG week of stress, tears and uncertainty, my husband finally landed an Oral Surgery internship in New Jersey! It was probably the last place we expected to end up, but we are so excited. New York will be close and from what I've heard, New Jersey is beautiful.

So those are our plans. And of course, being the weird food blogger that I am, the first thing I thought was "I hope I have better lighting in my new apartment for my food pictures!" Haha, you understand, right?

I found these lettuce wraps on Emily's blog at The Open Pantry. I just love visiting this blog. It's bright and fun, and not only does she post delicious recipes, but this girl can make an adorable cake!

We loved these lettuce wraps. They're low carb, low fat, but high flavor, and just delicious with either a peanut sauce or sweet chili sauce.

Spicy Chicken-Spinach Lettuce Wraps
Adapted from The Open Pantry


1 lb Ground Turkey (or diced chicken)
2 tsp Sesame Oil
2 tsp Canola Oil
1-2 tsp Garlic Chili Paste
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
3 tsp Ginger, minced
4 Green Onions, Chopped
2 cups Baby Spinach
1/2 cup Carrots, shredded or minced
1-2 Tbsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
2 tsp Rice Wine Vinegar


Heat the sesame and canola oil in a wok over medium high heat. Add the garlic, ginger, garlic chili paste, carrots and green onions to the wok. Cook for 1 minute, add the ground turkey. Cook until the turkey is no longer pink. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice wine vinegar, and spinach. Toss together, cook for 1 more minute and remove from heat. Serve turkey mixture with red lettuce leaves as wraps and top with spicy/sweet soy sauce and peanuts. Enjoy!


  1. SO glad things are working out! Sounds so stressful!

  2. congrats on your hubbys internship wish you all lots of happiness there

  3. You'll love NJ. I am originally from Long Island and lived in NJ for seven years. There is so much to do and some parts are gorgeous. You have the best of both worlds...close to mountains and the beach! Love the lettuce wraps. I had my first one only a few months ago!

  4. laughing about the lighting, I've had those same thoughts!

    I like these wraps, I'll be giving them a try with leftover grilled chicken.

  5. Congratulations! I love NJ and have thought of moving there myself. The chicken wraps look so delicious and healthy too!

  6. Looks great! Congrats on your husband getting an internship and hopefully you'll love NJ! I think we would all love better lighting in our kitchen. :)

  7. I can just see you now, looking at apartments/houses, scoping out the lighting in the kitchen and letting it factor in your decision...too funny! I'm sure you'll love New Jersey. It will be a new adventure!

    Those chicken wraps looks insane. Pinning!

  8. It sounds like you have a fun adventure ahead of you!! And the lighting was totally a factor when I was looking for our place!! These wraps look so good - I would love them.

  9. Good luck in Jersey! I am loving the bowl/plate set. The spicy chicken-spinach lettuce wraps look amazing.

  10. Congrats on the job and the move. You'll love NJ.
    Great flavors in these wraps, Teresa. Anytime I see wraps at a restaurant, I order them. Will try these at home.

  11. Ummm TERESA. We will be SO.CLOSE. to each other! I think this calls for a date. For real.

    I love the sauce on these wraps. I need to make these with tofu or beans!

  12. What a yummy and wholesome recipe, Teresa! Looks delicious. I'm so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  13. This seems like a great meal idea!

    (Click here to enter my anthropologie kitchen tools giveaway.)

  14. Congratulations on your husband's achievement and landing a terrific job! New adventures await and better lighting!

    Your lettuce wraps look delish! Looking forward to more delicious food from your new kitchen.


  15. Yum - that sounds delicious Teresa! Whew, glad you know where you are going, at least now you can start planning.

    And fingers crossed you have good lighting! :D


  16. this sounds absolutely nice!congrats your Husband!

  17. I am so glad that you liked this recipe!I am making it again for dinner tonight! Good luck in NJ!!! That is exciting! I am so glad that things worked out (as they always do . . . we have been experiencing job stress in out home too . . .) You are awesome Teresa!!!

  18. sounds very healthy and full of flavor.

  19. Congrats on the new job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for better lighting for you. I love lettuce wraps too. These sound great.

  20. Congrats, Theresa. It sounds like you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you. I would love to have NY in my backyard. You have made cutting back on calories so easy with all your great recipes. Can't wait to see your new home through your eyes.


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